We wanted to touch base to let you know what is happening around York Events. Like most businesses, we are waiting for the direction from NSW Health regarding capacity for Events. It currently stands at group bookings of no more than 10 people.
ENTRY TO THE VENUE All attendees will be required to sign in and provide a contact phone number or email. This is a requirement to assist in the management if a COVID-19 case were to arise. We would also like to encourage attendees to download the COVIDSAFE app on their phone.
HYGIENE/SAFETY All of our staff have completed Infection Control training through NSW Health. Staff are required to have their temperature checked before starting their shift – if any staff member displays a high temperature or is feeling unwell, they will be instructed to go home and seek medical advice.
Hand sanitiser units have been placed throughout the venue. Please use hand sanitisers provided and follow the instructions on the signage placed around the venue.
We have implemented strict cleaning procedures and placed additional signage regarding adherence to the 1.5 metre Social Distancing policy and NSW health HELP STOP THE SPREAD. We ask that all guests practice good hygiene and maintain social distancing. More importantly, do not visit the venue if you are feeling unwell.
Our venue will adhere to comprehensive health and safety standards designed to protect you and our team. We have modified the layout of our venue to ensure social distancing. Should you be in other areas of the club you are required to remain seated and not stand and congregate. We ask if you are using our outdoor smoking areas to vacate the area once you have finished your cigarette. This is to allow other patrons to also use the area.
CATERING Alternative catering arrangements are being implemented with the introduction of individually packaged meals and cutlery whilst continuing to exercise extensive food hygiene practices and standards.
Our team will be actively monitoring all areas of our venue to ensure that social distancing is being observed and complies with the 1 person per 4 square metre rule, as well as, promoting good personal hygiene.
Please remind your attendees/guests to observe good personal hygiene including covering coughs and sneezes with the inner elbow or clean tissue. Avoid touching the face, eyes, nose, or mouth and refrain from physical contact with others such, as hugging or shaking hands.
We look forward to you returning to our venue and by helping us in stopping the spread, we will return to a new form of normalcy sooner.
York Events Team